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# block_patron: test Block Patron Response
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin";
use Clone qw(clone);
use C4::SIP::Sip::Constants qw(:all);
use SIPtest qw(:basic :user1);
my $block_patron_test_template = {
id => 'Block Patron: valid patron, card not retained',
msg => "01N20060102 084238AO$instid|ALThis card is blocked.|AA$user_barcode|AC$password|",
# response to block patron is a patron status message
pat => qr/^24Y[ Y]{13}000$datepat/,
fields => [
{ field => FID_PATRON_ID,
pat => qr/^$user_barcode$/o,
required => 1, },
pat => qr/^$user_fullname$/o,
required => 1, },
{ field => FID_VALID_PATRON,
pat => qr/^Y$/,
# Not required by the spec, but by the test
required => 1, },
{ field => FID_FEE_AMT,
pat => $textpat,
required => 0, },
], };
my @tests = (