Currently the tool reports:
Incorrect not-for-loan values
Wrong place
Checked out
We should have:
Optional display of items w/o problems
Display of missing/lost items now marked found
1 - Mark an item as lost
2 - Go to tools->inventory
3 - Fill in the barcode list with the barcode of the item, notice there
is one checkbox in "Additional options"
4 - Submit -> there should be no result
5 - Apply patches and redo 1,2&3
6 - Notice there are now 3 checkboxes in "Additional options"
7 - Click on "Add lost items to the report"
8 - Submit -> there is now one line in the report with problem "Item was lost and is now marked as found"
9 - Go to tools->inventory
10 - Click on "Add lost items to the report"
11 - Submit -> there is no line in the report
12 - Go to tools->inventory
13 - Click on "Add items without problem to the report"
11 - Submit -> there is now line in the report with an empty problem
Signed-off-by: Mathieu Saby <>
Signed-off-by: Lisette Scheer <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>