Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
572 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
572 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
# Copyright 2016 PTFS-Europe Ltd
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
Script to handle stockrotation. Including rotas, their associated stages
and items
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI;
use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user );
use C4::Context;
use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers );
use Koha::Libraries;
use Koha::StockRotationRotas;
use Koha::StockRotationItems;
use Koha::StockRotationStages;
use Koha::Item;
use Koha::Util::StockRotation qw( get_branches get_stages move_to_next_stage toggle_indemand remove_from_stage add_items_to_rota get_barcodes_status );
my $input = CGI->new;
unless (C4::Context->preference('StockRotation')) {
# redirect to Intranet home if self-check is not enabled
print $input->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/");
my ( $template, $loggedinuser, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user(
template_name => 'tools/',
query => $input,
type => 'intranet',
flagsrequired => {
tools => '*',
stockrotation => '*',
# Grab all passed data
# 'our' since Plack changes the scoping
# of 'my'
our %params = $input->Vars();
my $op = $params{op};
if (!defined $op) {
# No operation is supplied, we're just displaying the list of rotas
my $rotas = Koha::StockRotationRotas->search(
order_by => { -asc => 'title' }
existing_rotas => $rotas,
no_op_set => 1
} elsif ($op eq 'create_edit_rota') {
# Edit an existing rota or define a new one
my $rota_id = $params{rota_id};
my $rota = {};
if (!defined $rota_id) {
# No ID supplied, we're creating a new rota
# Create a shell rota hashref
$rota = {
cyclical => 1
} else {
# ID supplied, we're editing an existing rota
$rota = Koha::StockRotationRotas->find($rota_id);
rota => $rota,
op => $op
} elsif ($op eq 'cud-toggle_rota') {
# Find and update the active status of the rota
my $rota = Koha::StockRotationRotas->find($params{rota_id});
my $new_active = ($rota->active == 1) ? 0 : 1;
# Return to rotas page
print $input->redirect('');
} elsif ($op eq 'cud-process_rota') {
# Get a hashref of the submitted rota data
my $rota = get_rota_from_form();
if (!process_rota($rota)) {
# The submitted rota was invalid
error => 'invalid_form',
rota => $rota,
op => 'create_edit_rota'
} else {
# All was well, return to the rotas list
print $input->redirect('');
} elsif ($op eq 'manage_stages') {
my $rota = Koha::StockRotationRotas->find($params{rota_id});
rota => $rota,
branches => get_branches(),
existing_stages => get_stages($rota),
rota_id => $params{rota_id},
op => $op
} elsif ($op eq 'create_edit_stage') {
# Edit an existing stage or define a new one
my $stage_id = $params{stage_id};
my $rota_id = $params{rota_id};
if (!defined $stage_id) {
my $rota = Koha::StockRotationRotas->find($rota_id);
# No ID supplied, we're creating a new stage
branches => get_branches(),
stage => {},
rota => $rota,
rota_id => $rota_id,
op => $op
} else {
# ID supplied, we're editing an existing stage
my $stage = Koha::StockRotationStages->find($stage_id);
my $rota = Koha::StockRotationRotas->find( $stage->rota->rota_id );
branches => get_branches(),
stage => $stage,
rota => $rota,
rota_id => $stage->rota->rota_id,
op => $op
} elsif ($op eq 'confirm_remove_from_rota') {
# Get the stage we're deleting
op => $op,
rota_id => $params{rota_id},
stage_id => $params{stage_id},
item_id => $params{item_id}
} elsif ($op eq 'confirm_delete_rota') {
# Get the rota we're deleting
my $rota = Koha::StockRotationRotas->find($params{rota_id});
# Get all items on this rota, for each prefetch their
# stage and biblio objects
my $sritems = Koha::StockRotationItems->search(
{ 'stage.rota_id' => $params{rota_id} },
prefetch => {
stage => {
'stockrotationitems' => {
'itemnumber' => 'biblionumber'
rota_id => $params{rota_id},
sritemstotal => $sritems->count,
op => $op
} elsif ($op eq 'cud-delete_rota') {
# Get the rota we're deleting
my $rota = Koha::StockRotationRotas->find($params{rota_id});
# Return to the rotas list
print $input->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/tools/");
} elsif ($op eq 'confirm_delete_stage') {
# Get the stage we're deleting
my $stage = Koha::StockRotationStages->find($params{stage_id});
op => $op,
stage => $stage
} elsif ($op eq 'cud-delete_stage') {
# Get the stage we're deleting
my $stage = Koha::StockRotationStages->find($params{stage_id});
# Get the ID of the rota with which this stage is associated
# (so we can return to the "Manage stages" page after deletion)
my $rota_id = $stage->rota->rota_id;
# Return to the stages list
print $input->redirect("?op=manage_stages&rota_id=$rota_id");
} elsif ($op eq 'cud-process_stage') {
# Get a hashref of the submitted stage data
my $stage = get_stage_from_form();
# The rota we're managing
my $rota_id = $params{rota_id};
if (!process_stage($stage, $rota_id)) {
# The submitted stage was invalid
# Get all branches
my $branches = get_branches();
error => 'invalid_form',
all_branches => $branches,
stage => $stage,
rota_id => $rota_id,
op => 'create_edit_stage'
} else {
# All was well, return to the stages list
print $input->redirect("?op=manage_stages&rota_id=$rota_id");
} elsif ($op eq 'manage_items') {
my $rota = Koha::StockRotationRotas->find($params{rota_id});
# Get all items on this rota, for each prefetch their
# stage and biblio objects
my $sritems = Koha::StockRotationItems->search(
{ 'stage.rota_id' => $params{rota_id} },
prefetch => {
stage => {
'stockrotationitems' => {
'itemnumber' => 'biblionumber'
rota_id => $params{rota_id},
error => $params{error},
sritems => $sritems,
branches => get_branches(),
stages => get_stages($rota),
rota => $rota,
op => $op
} elsif ($op eq 'cud-move_to_next_stage') {
move_to_next_stage($params{item_id}, $params{stage_id});
# Return to the items list
print $input->redirect("?op=manage_items&rota_id=" . $params{rota_id});
} elsif ($op eq 'cud-toggle_in_demand') {
# Toggle the item's in_demand
toggle_indemand($params{item_id}, $params{stage_id});
# Return to the items list
print $input->redirect("?op=manage_items&rota_id=".$params{rota_id});
} elsif ($op eq 'cud-remove_item_from_stage') {
# Remove the item from the stage
remove_from_stage($params{item_id}, $params{stage_id});
# Return to the items list
print $input->redirect("?op=manage_items&rota_id=".$params{rota_id});
} elsif ($op eq 'cud-add_items_to_rota') {
# The item's barcode,
# which we may or may not have been passed
my $barcode = $params{barcode};
# The rota we're adding the item to
my $rota_id = $params{rota_id};
my $rota = Koha::StockRotationRotas->find($rota_id);
# The uploaded file filehandle,
# which we may or may not have been passed
my $barcode_file = $input->upload("barcodefile");
# We need to create an array of one or more barcodes to
# insert
my @barcodes = ();
# If the barcode input box was populated, use it
push @barcodes, $barcode if $barcode;
# Only parse the uploaded file if necessary
if ($barcode_file) {
# Call binmode on the filehandle as we want to set a
# UTF-8 layer on it
binmode($barcode_file, ":encoding(UTF-8)");
# Parse the file into an array of barcodes
while (my $barcode = <$barcode_file>) {
$barcode =~ s/\r/\n/g;
$barcode =~ s/\n+/\n/g;
my @data = split(/\n/, $barcode);
push @barcodes, @data;
# A hashref to hold the status of each barcode
my $barcode_status = {
ok => [],
on_other => [],
on_this => [],
not_found => []
# If we have something to work with, do it
get_barcodes_status($rota_id, \@barcodes, $barcode_status) if (@barcodes);
# Now we know the status of each barcode, add those that
# need it
if (scalar @{$barcode_status->{ok}} > 0) {
add_items_to_rota($rota_id, $barcode_status->{ok});
# If we were only passed one barcode and it was successfully
# added, redirect back to ourselves, we don't want to display
# a report, redirect also if we were passed no barcodes
if (
scalar @barcodes == 0 ||
(scalar @barcodes == 1 && scalar @{$barcode_status->{ok}} == 1)
) {
print $input->redirect("?op=manage_items&rota_id=$rota_id");
} else {
# Report on the outcome
barcode_status => $barcode_status,
rota_id => $rota_id,
rota => $rota,
op => $op
} elsif ($op eq 'cud-move_items_to_rota') {
# The barcodes of the items we're moving
my @move = $input->multi_param('move_item');
foreach my $item(@move) {
# The item we're moving
my $item = Koha::Items->find($item);
# Move it to the new rota
# Return to the items list
print $input->redirect("?op=manage_items&rota_id=".$params{rota_id});
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
sub get_rota_from_form {
return {
id => $params{id},
title => $params{title},
cyclical => $params{cyclical},
description => $params{description}
sub get_stage_from_form {
return {
stage_id => $params{stage_id},
branchcode => $params{branchcode},
duration => $params{duration}
sub process_rota {
my $sub_rota = shift;
# Fields we require
my @required = ('title','cyclical');
# Count of the number of required fields we have
my $valid = 0;
# Ensure we have everything we require
foreach my $req(@required) {
if (exists $sub_rota->{$req}) {
chomp(my $value = $sub_rota->{$req});
if (length $value > 0) {
# If we don't have everything we need
return 0 if $valid != scalar @required;
# Passed validation
# Find the rota we're updating
my $rota = Koha::StockRotationRotas->find($sub_rota->{id});
if ($rota) {
} else {
$rota = Koha::StockRotationRota->new({
title => $sub_rota->{title},
cyclical => $sub_rota->{cyclical},
active => 0,
description => $sub_rota->{description}
return 1;
sub process_stage {
my ($sub_stage, $rota_id) = @_;
# Fields we require
my @required = ('branchcode','duration');
# Count of the number of required fields we have
my $valid = 0;
# Ensure we have everything we require
foreach my $req(@required) {
if (exists $sub_stage->{$req}) {
chomp(my $value = $sub_stage->{$req});
if (length $value > 0) {
# If we don't have everything we need
return 0 if $valid != scalar @required;
# Passed validation
# Find the stage we're updating
my $stage = Koha::StockRotationStages->find($sub_stage->{stage_id});
if ($stage) {
# Updating an existing stage
} else {
# Creating a new stage
$stage = Koha::StockRotationStage->new({
branchcode_id => $sub_stage->{branchcode},
rota_id => $rota_id,
duration => $sub_stage->{duration}
return 1;
=head1 AUTHOR
Andrew Isherwood <>