Yohann Dufour 1c2744a83f Bug 12627: SQLHelper replacement - C4::Suggestions
With this patch, the subroutines NewSuggestion and ModSuggestion use DBIx::Class instead of C4::SQLHelper.
Moreover, the tests and the .pl have been adapted.

Test plan:
1) Apply the patch.

2) Execute the unit tests by launching :
prove t/db_dependent/Suggestions.t

3) The result has to be a success without error or warning :
t/db_dependent/Suggestions.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=91,  2 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr  0.01 sys +  1.65 cusr  0.09 csys =  1.80 CPU)
Result: PASS

4) Log in the intranet, create a suggestion and verify the created suggestion.

5) Edit a suggestion from the intranet and verify the suggestion is correctly modified.

6) Log in the OPAC and verify you can add a suggestion.

Signed-off-by: Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel <bgkriegel@gmail.com>
Test pass, suggestion created on staff and opac,
suggestion edited without problems, no koha-qa errors.

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de>
Passes tests and QA script:
Also tested:
- adding suggestion from staff and OPAC
- edit suggestion from staff
- deleting suggestion from OPAC
- changing to a normal status (email got created)
- changing to a custom status (SUGGEST_STATUS)
- display of custom status in OPAC

No problems found.

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer.83@web.de>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@gmail.com>
2014-11-07 15:17:00 -03:00

262 lines
14 KiB

# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Members;
use C4::Letters;
use Test::More tests => 91;
use Test::Warn;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# Start transaction
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM suggestions|);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM issues|);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM borrowers|);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM letter|);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM message_queue|);
$dbh->do(q|INSERT INTO letter(module, code, content) VALUES ('suggestions', 'CHECKED', 'my content')|);
my $member = {
firstname => 'my firstname',
surname => 'my surname',
categorycode => 'S',
branchcode => 'CPL',
my $borrowernumber = AddMember(%$member);
my $biblionumber1 = 1;
my $my_suggestion = {
title => 'my title',
author => 'my author',
publishercode => 'my publishercode',
suggestedby => $borrowernumber,
biblionumber => $biblionumber1,
is( CountSuggestion(), 0, 'CountSuggestion without the status returns 0' );
is( CountSuggestion('ASKED'), 0, 'CountSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' );
is( CountSuggestion('CHECKED'), 0, 'CountSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' );
is( CountSuggestion('ACCEPTED'), 0, 'CountSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' );
is( CountSuggestion('REJECTED'), 0, 'CountSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' );
my $my_suggestionid = NewSuggestion($my_suggestion);
isnt( $my_suggestionid, 0, 'NewSuggestion returns an not null id' );
is( GetSuggestion(), undef, 'GetSuggestion without the suggestion id returns undef' );
my $suggestion = GetSuggestion($my_suggestionid);
is( $suggestion->{title}, $my_suggestion->{title}, 'NewSuggestion stores the title correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{author}, $my_suggestion->{author}, 'NewSuggestion stores the author correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{publishercode}, $my_suggestion->{publishercode}, 'NewSuggestion stores the publishercode correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{suggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'NewSuggestion stores the borrower number correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{biblionumber}, $my_suggestion->{biblionumber}, 'NewSuggestion stores the biblio number correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{STATUS}, 'ASKED', 'NewSuggestion stores a suggestion with the status ASKED by default' );
is( CountSuggestion('ASKED'), 1, 'CountSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' );
is( ModSuggestion(), undef, 'ModSuggestion without the suggestion returns undef' );
my $mod_suggestion1 = {
title => 'my modified title',
author => 'my modified author',
publishercode => 'my modified publishercode',
my $status = ModSuggestion($mod_suggestion1);
is( $status, undef, 'ModSuggestion without the suggestion id returns undef' );
$mod_suggestion1->{suggestionid} = $my_suggestionid;
$status = ModSuggestion($mod_suggestion1);
is( $status, 1, 'ModSuggestion modifies one entry' );
$suggestion = GetSuggestion($my_suggestionid);
is( $suggestion->{title}, $mod_suggestion1->{title}, 'ModSuggestion modifies the title correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{author}, $mod_suggestion1->{author}, 'ModSuggestion modifies the author correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{publishercode}, $mod_suggestion1->{publishercode}, 'ModSuggestion modifies the publishercode correctly' );
my $messages = C4::Letters::GetQueuedMessages({
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
is( @$messages, 0, 'ModSuggestions does not send an email if the status is not updated' );
my $mod_suggestion2 = {
suggestionid => $my_suggestionid,
warning_is { $status = ModSuggestion($mod_suggestion2) }
"No suggestions STALLED letter transported by email",
"ModSuggestion status warning is correct";
is( $status, 1, "ModSuggestion Status OK");
my $mod_suggestion3 = {
suggestionid => $my_suggestionid,
$status = ModSuggestion($mod_suggestion3);
is( $status, 1, 'ModSuggestion modifies one entry' );
$suggestion = GetSuggestion($my_suggestionid);
is( $suggestion->{STATUS}, $mod_suggestion3->{STATUS}, 'ModSuggestion modifies the status correctly' );
$messages = C4::Letters::GetQueuedMessages({
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
is( @$messages, 1, 'ModSuggestion sends an email if the status is updated' );
is( CountSuggestion('CHECKED'), 1, 'CountSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' );
is( GetSuggestionInfo(), undef, 'GetSuggestionInfo without the suggestion id returns undef' );
$suggestion = GetSuggestionInfo($my_suggestionid);
is( $suggestion->{suggestionid}, $my_suggestionid, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the suggestion id correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{title}, $mod_suggestion1->{title}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the title correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{author}, $mod_suggestion1->{author}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the author correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{publishercode}, $mod_suggestion1->{publishercode}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the publisher code correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{suggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the borrower number correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{biblionumber}, $my_suggestion->{biblionumber}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the biblio number correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{STATUS}, $mod_suggestion3->{STATUS}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the status correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{surnamesuggestedby}, $member->{surname}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the surname correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{firstnamesuggestedby}, $member->{firstname}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the firstname correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{borrnumsuggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the borrower number correctly' );
is( GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber(), undef, 'GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber without the biblio number returns undef' );
is( GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber(2), undef, 'GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber with an invalid biblio number returns undef' );
is( GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber($biblionumber1), $my_suggestionid, 'GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber functions correctly' );
is( GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber(), undef, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber without the biblio number returns undef' );
is( GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber(2), undef, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber with an invalid biblio number returns undef' );
$suggestion = GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber($biblionumber1);
is( $suggestion->{suggestionid}, $my_suggestionid, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the suggestion id correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{title}, $mod_suggestion1->{title}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the title correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{author}, $mod_suggestion1->{author}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the author correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{publishercode}, $mod_suggestion1->{publishercode}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the publisher code correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{suggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the borrower number correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{biblionumber}, $my_suggestion->{biblionumber}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the biblio number correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{STATUS}, $mod_suggestion3->{STATUS}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the status correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{surnamesuggestedby}, $member->{surname}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the surname correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{firstnamesuggestedby}, $member->{firstname}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the firstname correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{borrnumsuggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumeber returns the borrower number correctly' );
my $suggestions = GetSuggestionByStatus();
is( @$suggestions, 0, 'GetSuggestionByStatus without the status returns an empty array' );
$suggestions = GetSuggestionByStatus('CHECKED');
is( @$suggestions, 1, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the correct number of suggestions' );
is( $suggestions->[0]->{suggestionid}, $my_suggestionid, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the suggestion id correctly' );
is( $suggestions->[0]->{title}, $mod_suggestion1->{title}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the title correctly' );
is( $suggestions->[0]->{author}, $mod_suggestion1->{author}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the author correctly' );
is( $suggestions->[0]->{publishercode}, $mod_suggestion1->{publishercode}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the publisher code correctly' );
is( $suggestions->[0]->{suggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the borrower number correctly' );
is( $suggestions->[0]->{biblionumber}, $my_suggestion->{biblionumber}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the biblio number correctly' );
is( $suggestions->[0]->{STATUS}, $mod_suggestion3->{STATUS}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the status correctly' );
is( $suggestions->[0]->{surnamesuggestedby}, $member->{surname}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the surname correctly' );
is( $suggestions->[0]->{firstnamesuggestedby}, $member->{firstname}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the firstname correctly' );
is( $suggestions->[0]->{branchcodesuggestedby}, $member->{branchcode}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the branch code correctly' );
is( $suggestions->[0]->{borrnumsuggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the borrower number correctly' );
is( $suggestions->[0]->{categorycodesuggestedby}, $member->{categorycode}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the category code correctly' );
is( ConnectSuggestionAndBiblio(), '0E0', 'ConnectSuggestionAndBiblio without arguments returns 0E0' );
my $biblionumber2 = 2;
my $connect_suggestion_and_biblio = ConnectSuggestionAndBiblio($my_suggestionid, $biblionumber2);
is( $connect_suggestion_and_biblio, '1', 'ConnectSuggestionAndBiblio returns 1' );
$suggestion = GetSuggestion($my_suggestionid);
is( $suggestion->{biblionumber}, $biblionumber2, 'ConnectSuggestionAndBiblio updates the biblio number correctly' );
my $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion();
is( @$search_suggestion, 1, 'SearchSuggestion without arguments returns all suggestions' );
$search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({
title => $mod_suggestion1->{title},
is( @$search_suggestion, 1, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' );
$search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({
title => 'another title',
is( @$search_suggestion, 0, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' );
$search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({
author => $mod_suggestion1->{author},
is( @$search_suggestion, 1, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' );
$search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({
author => 'another author',
is( @$search_suggestion, 0, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' );
$search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({
publishercode => $mod_suggestion3->{publishercode},
is( @$search_suggestion, 1, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' );
$search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({
publishercode => 'another publishercode',
is( @$search_suggestion, 0, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' );
$search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({
STATUS => $mod_suggestion3->{STATUS},
is( @$search_suggestion, 1, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' );
$search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({
is( @$search_suggestion, 0, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' );
my $del_suggestion = {
title => 'my deleted title',
suggestedby => $borrowernumber,
my $del_suggestionid = NewSuggestion($del_suggestion);
is( CountSuggestion('CHECKED'), 2, 'CountSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' );
is( DelSuggestion(), '0E0', 'DelSuggestion without arguments returns 0E0' );
is( DelSuggestion($borrowernumber), '', 'DelSuggestion without the suggestion id returns an empty string' );
is( DelSuggestion(undef, $my_suggestionid), '', 'DelSuggestion with an invalid borrower number returns an empty string' );
$suggestion = DelSuggestion($borrowernumber, $my_suggestionid);
is( $suggestion, 1, 'DelSuggestion deletes one suggestion' );
$suggestions = GetSuggestionByStatus('CHECKED');
is( @$suggestions, 1, 'DelSuggestion deletes one suggestion' );
is( $suggestions->[0]->{title}, $del_suggestion->{title}, 'DelSuggestion deletes the correct suggestion' );
## Bug 11466, making sure GetSupportList() returns itemtypes, even if AdvancedSearchTypes has multiple values
C4::Context->set_preference("AdvancedSearchTypes", 'itemtypes|loc|ccode');
my $itemtypes1 = C4::Koha::GetSupportList();
is(@$itemtypes1, 8, "Purchase suggestion itemtypes collected, multiple AdvancedSearchTypes");
C4::Context->set_preference("AdvancedSearchTypes", 'itemtypes');
my $itemtypes2 = C4::Koha::GetSupportList();
is(@$itemtypes2, 8, "Purchase suggestion itemtypes collected, default AdvancedSearchTypes");
is_deeply($itemtypes1, $itemtypes2, 'same set of purchase suggestion formats retrieved');