Martin Renvoize
This patch adds a unit test for the addition of effective_item_type_id to the items responses. Test plan 1) Run the unit test prior to applying the second patch and confirm it fails 2) Apply the second patch and confirm the unit test now passes Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <> Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
323 lines
12 KiB
Executable file
323 lines
12 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2016 Koha-Suomi
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 3;
use Test::Mojo;
use Test::Warn;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use C4::Auth;
use Koha::Items;
use Koha::Database;
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'RESTBasicAuth', 1 );
my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Koha::REST::V1');
subtest 'list() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 12;
my $item = $builder->build_sample_item;
my $patron = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => { flags => 4 }
# Make sure we have at least 10 items
for ( 1..10 ) {
my $nonprivilegedpatron = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => { flags => 0 }
my $password = 'thePassword123';
{ password => $password, skip_validation => 1 } );
my $userid = $nonprivilegedpatron->userid;
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items" )
'/error' => 'Authorization failure. Missing required permission(s).' );
$patron->set_password( { password => $password, skip_validation => 1 } );
$userid = $patron->userid;
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items?_per_page=10" )
->status_is( 200, 'SWAGGER3.2.2' );
my $response_count = scalar @{ $t->tx->res->json };
is( $response_count, 10, 'The API returns 10 items' );
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items?external_id=" . $item->barcode )
->json_is( '' => [ $item->to_api ], 'SWAGGER3.3.2');
my $barcode = $item->barcode;
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items?external_id=" . $item->barcode )
->json_is( '' => [] );
subtest 'get() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 17;
my $item = $builder->build_sample_item;
my $patron = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => { flags => 4 }
my $nonprivilegedpatron = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => { flags => 0 }
my $password = 'thePassword123';
$nonprivilegedpatron->set_password({ password => $password, skip_validation => 1 });
my $userid = $nonprivilegedpatron->userid;
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/" . $item->itemnumber )
->json_is( '/error' => 'Authorization failure. Missing required permission(s).' );
$patron->set_password({ password => $password, skip_validation => 1 });
$userid = $patron->userid;
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/" . $item->itemnumber )
->status_is( 200, 'SWAGGER3.2.2' )
->json_is( '' => $item->to_api, 'SWAGGER3.3.2' );
my $non_existent_code = $item->itemnumber;
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/" . $non_existent_code )
->json_is( '/error' => 'Item not found' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'item-level_itypes', 0 );
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio;
my $itype =
$builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::ItemTypes' } )->itemtype;
$item = $builder->build_sample_item(
{ biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, itype => $itype } );
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/" . $item->itemnumber )
->status_is( 200, 'SWAGGER3.2.2' )
->json_is( '/item_type_id' => $itype, 'item-level_itypes:0' )
->json_is( '/effective_item_type_id' => $biblio->itemtype, 'item-level_itypes:0' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'item-level_itypes', 1 );
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/" . $item->itemnumber )
->status_is( 200, 'SWAGGER3.2.2' )
->json_is( '/item_type_id' => $itype, 'item-level_itype:1' )
->json_is( '/effective_item_type_id' => $itype, 'item-level_itypes:1' );
subtest 'pickup_locations() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 16;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowHoldPolicyOverride', 0 );
# Small trick to ease testing
Koha::Libraries->search->update({ pickup_location => 0 });
my $library_1 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { marcorgcode => 'A', pickup_location => 1 } });
my $library_2 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { marcorgcode => 'B', pickup_location => 1 } });
my $library_3 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { marcorgcode => 'C', pickup_location => 1 } });
my $library_1_api = $library_1->to_api();
my $library_2_api = $library_2->to_api();
my $library_3_api = $library_3->to_api();
$library_1_api->{needs_override} = Mojo::JSON->false;
$library_2_api->{needs_override} = Mojo::JSON->false;
$library_3_api->{needs_override} = Mojo::JSON->true;
my $patron = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => { userid => 'tomasito', flags => 0 }
my $password = 'thePassword123';
$patron->set_password( { password => $password, skip_validation => 1 } );
my $userid = $patron->userid;
source => 'UserPermission',
value => {
borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber,
module_bit => 6,
code => 'place_holds',
my $item = $builder->build_sample_item();
my $item_class = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Item');
sub {
my ( $self, $params ) = @_;
my $mock_patron = $params->{patron};
is( $mock_patron->borrowernumber,
$patron->borrowernumber, 'Patron passed correctly' );
return Koha::Libraries->search(
branchcode => {
'-in' => [
{ # we make sure no surprises in the order of the result
order_by => { '-asc' => 'marcorgcode' }
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/"
. $item->id
. "/pickup_locations?patron_id=" . $patron->id )
->json_is( [ $library_1_api, $library_2_api ] );
# filtering works!
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/"
. $item->id
. '/pickup_locations?'
. 'patron_id=' . $patron->id . '&q={"marc_org_code": { "-like": "A%" }}' )
->json_is( [ $library_1_api ] );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowHoldPolicyOverride', 1 );
my $library_4 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { pickup_location => 0, marcorgcode => 'X' } });
my $library_5 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { pickup_location => 1, marcorgcode => 'Y' } });
my $library_5_api = $library_5->to_api();
$library_5_api->{needs_override} = Mojo::JSON->true;
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/"
. $item->id
. "/pickup_locations?"
. "patron_id=" . $patron->id . "&_order_by=marc_org_code" )
->json_is( [ $library_1_api, $library_2_api, $library_3_api, $library_5_api ] );
subtest 'Pagination and AllowHoldPolicyOverride tests' => sub {
plan tests => 27;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowHoldPolicyOverride', 1 );
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/" . $item->id . "/pickup_locations?" . "patron_id=" . $patron->id . "&_order_by=marc_org_code" . "&_per_page=1" )
->json_is( [$library_1_api] )
->header_is( 'X-Total-Count', '4', '4 is the count for libraries with pickup_location=1' )
->header_is( 'X-Base-Total-Count', '4', '4 is the count for libraries with pickup_location=1' )
->header_unlike( 'Link', qr|rel="prev"| )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=2.*|_page=2.*\&_per_page=1.*)>\; rel="next"# )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=1.*|_page=1.*\&_per_page=1).*>\; rel="first"# )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=4.*|_page=4.*\&_per_page=1).*>\; rel="last"# );
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/"
. $item->id
. "/pickup_locations?"
. "patron_id="
. $patron->id
. "&_order_by=marc_org_code"
. "&_per_page=1&_page=3" ) # force the needs_override=1 check
->json_is( [$library_3_api] )
->header_is( 'X-Total-Count', '4', '4 is the count for libraries with pickup_location=1' )
->header_is( 'X-Base-Total-Count', '4', '4 is the count for libraries with pickup_location=1' )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=2.*|_page=2.*\&_per_page=1.*)>\; rel="prev"# )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=4.*|_page=4.*\&_per_page=1.*)>\; rel="next"# )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=1.*|_page=1.*\&_per_page=1).*>\; rel="first"# )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=4.*|_page=4.*\&_per_page=1).*>\; rel="last"# );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowHoldPolicyOverride', 0 );
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/" . $item->id . "/pickup_locations?" . "patron_id=" . $patron->id . "&_order_by=marc_org_code" . "&_per_page=1" )
->json_is( [$library_1_api] )
->header_is( 'X-Total-Count', '2' )
->header_is( 'X-Base-Total-Count', '2' )
->header_unlike( 'Link', qr|rel="prev"| )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=2.*|_page=2.*\&_per_page=1.*)>\; rel="next"# )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=1.*|_page=1.*\&_per_page=1).*>\; rel="first"# )
->header_like( 'Link', qr#(_per_page=1.*\&_page=2.*|_page=2.*\&_per_page=1).*>\; rel="last"# );
my $deleted_patron = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Patrons' });
my $deleted_patron_id = $deleted_patron->id;
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/"
. $item->id
. "/pickup_locations?"
. "patron_id=" . $deleted_patron_id )
->status_is( 400 )
->json_is( '/error' => 'Patron not found' );
$t->get_ok( "//$userid:$password@/api/v1/items/"
. $item->id
. "/pickup_locations?"
. "patron_id=" . $patron->id )
->status_is( 404 )
->json_is( '/error' => 'Item not found' );