This patch restores Any as a budget filter option on the suggestions homepage, but does not allow one to select Any when saving a suggestion
To test:
1 - have two suggestions, one with a fund assigned and one without
2 - go to /cgi-bin/koha/suggestion/, use Fund filter, confirm it does not offer an Any option
3 - apply patch, reload page
4 - use Fund filter, confirm it shows Any as an option and both Any and None work properly
5 - confirm you cannot select Any when creating a new suggestion
Signed-off-by: Sam Sowanick <>
Bug 38986: Restore Any option to suggestions homepage filter
"Any" should show all suggestions, any fund value and null fund values. One should not be able to create a suggeestion set to "Any"
"None" should show only suggestions with no fund value selected. A new suggestion should default to "None"
To Test:
1: have two suggestions, one with a fund selected and one without
2: go to suggestions homepage, confirm the filter does not have an "Any" option
3: apply patch, reload page
4: confirm the fund filter on suggestion homepage now has both Any and None and they behave as described above
5: confirm the fund filter defaults to Any as you change the branch filter
6: create a new suggestion, confirm its fund defaults to None and cannot be set to Any
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>