Main Koha release repository
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

88 lines
3.4 KiB

if ( KOHA === undefined ) var KOHA = {};
Submit: function ( options ) {
var error_callback = options.error;
$.extend( options, {
cache: false,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
error: function ( xhr, stat, error ) { KOHA.AJAX.BaseError( error_callback, xhr, stat, error ); }
} );
$.ajax( options );
BaseError: function ( callback, xhr, stat, e ) {
KOHA.xhr = xhr;
if ( !xhr.getResponseHeader( 'content-type' ).match( 'application/json' ) ) {
// Something really failed
humanMsg.displayAlert( __("Internal Server Error, please reload the page") );
var error = eval( '(' + xhr.responseText + ')' );
if ( error.type == 'auth' ) {
humanMsg.displayMsg( __("You need to log in again, your session has timed out") );
if ( callback ) {
callback( error );
} else {
humanMsg.displayAlert( __("Error; your data might not have been saved") );
MarkRunning: function ( selector, text ) {
text = text || __("Loading...");
$( selector )
.prop('disabled', true)
.each( function () {
var $spinner = $( '<span class="loading"></span>' );
var selector_type = this.localName;
if (selector_type === undefined) selector_type = this.nodeName; // IE only
switch ( selector_type.toLowerCase() ) {
case 'input':
$( this ).data( 'original-text', this.value );
this.value = text;
case 'a':
$( this )
.data( 'original-text', $( this ).text )
.text( text )
.before( $spinner )
.bind( 'click.disabled', function () { return false; } );
case 'button':
$( this )
.data( 'original-text', $( this ).text() )
.text( text )
.prepend( $spinner );
} );
MarkDone: function ( selector ) {
$( selector )
.prop('disabled', false)
.each( function () {
var selector_type = this.localName;
if (selector_type === undefined) selector_type = this.nodeName; // IE only
switch ( selector_type.toLowerCase() ) {
case 'input':
this.value = $( this ).data( 'original-text' );
case 'a':
$( this )
.text( $( this ).data( 'original-text' ) )
.unbind( 'click.disabled' )
.prevAll( 'span.loading' ).remove();
case 'button':
$( this )
.text( $( this ).data( 'original-text' ) )
.find( 'span.loading' ).remove();
} )
.removeData( 'original-text' );