In C4::Letters::GetLetters, the code filter was not used as a query parameter. Moreover, the JS code was buggy. We only need to check the letter code, except if it is an edit and the letter code has not been changed. Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de>
1065 lines
38 KiB
1065 lines
38 KiB
package C4::Letters;
# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
use strict;
use warnings;
use MIME::Lite;
use Mail::Sendmail;
use C4::Koha qw(GetAuthorisedValueByCode);
use C4::Members;
use C4::Members::Attributes qw(GetBorrowerAttributes);
use C4::Branch;
use C4::Log;
use C4::SMS;
use C4::Debug;
use Koha::DateUtils;
use Date::Calc qw( Add_Delta_Days );
use Encode;
use Carp;
require Exporter;
# set the version for version checking
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
&GetLetters &GetPreparedLetter &GetWrappedLetter &addalert &getalert &delalert &findrelatedto &SendAlerts &GetPrintMessages &GetMessageTransportTypes
=head1 NAME
C4::Letters - Give functions for Letters management
use C4::Letters;
"Letters" is the tool used in Koha to manage informations sent to the patrons and/or the library. This include some cron jobs like
late issues, as well as other tasks like sending a mail to users that have subscribed to a "serial issue alert" (= being warned every time a new issue has arrived at the library)
Letters are managed through "alerts" sent by Koha on some events. All "alert" related functions are in this module too.
=head2 GetLetters([$module])
$letters = &GetLetters($module);
returns informations about letters.
if needed, $module filters for letters given module
sub GetLetters {
my ($filters) = @_;
my $module = $filters->{module};
my $code = $filters->{code};
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $letters = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
SELECT module, code, branchcode, name
FROM letter
. ( $module ? q| AND module = ?| : q|| )
. ( $code ? q| AND code = ?| : q|| )
. q| GROUP BY code ORDER BY name|, { Slice => {} }
, ( $module ? $module : () )
, ( $code ? $code : () )
return $letters;
# FIXME: using our here means that a Plack server will need to be
# restarted fairly regularly when working with this routine.
# A better option would be to use Koha::Cache and use a cache
# that actually works in a persistent environment, but as a
# short-term fix, our will work.
our %letter;
sub getletter {
my ( $module, $code, $branchcode, $message_transport_type ) = @_;
$message_transport_type ||= 'email';
if ( C4::Context->preference('IndependentBranches')
and $branchcode
and C4::Context->userenv ) {
$branchcode = C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'};
$branchcode //= '';
if ( my $l = $letter{$module}{$code}{$branchcode}{$message_transport_type} ) {
return { %$l }; # deep copy
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{
FROM letter
WHERE module=? AND code=? AND (branchcode = ? OR branchcode = '') AND message_transport_type = ?
ORDER BY branchcode DESC LIMIT 1
$sth->execute( $module, $code, $branchcode, $message_transport_type );
my $line = $sth->fetchrow_hashref
or return;
$line->{'content-type'} = 'text/html; charset="UTF-8"' if $line->{is_html};
$letter{$module}{$code}{$branchcode}{$message_transport_type} = $line;
return { %$line };
=head2 addalert ($borrowernumber, $type, $externalid)
parameters :
- $borrowernumber : the number of the borrower subscribing to the alert
- $type : the type of alert.
- $externalid : the primary key of the object to put alert on. For issues, the alert is made on subscriptionid.
create an alert and return the alertid (primary key)
sub addalert {
my ( $borrowernumber, $type, $externalid ) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth =
"insert into alert (borrowernumber, type, externalid) values (?,?,?)");
$sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $type, $externalid );
# get the alert number newly created and return it
my $alertid = $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};
return $alertid;
=head2 delalert ($alertid)
parameters :
- alertid : the alert id
deletes the alert
sub delalert {
my $alertid = shift or die "delalert() called without valid argument (alertid)"; # it's gonna die anyway.
$debug and warn "delalert: deleting alertid $alertid";
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("delete from alert where alertid=?");
=head2 getalert ([$borrowernumber], [$type], [$externalid])
parameters :
- $borrowernumber : the number of the borrower subscribing to the alert
- $type : the type of alert.
- $externalid : the primary key of the object to put alert on. For issues, the alert is made on subscriptionid.
all parameters NON mandatory. If a parameter is omitted, the query is done without the corresponding parameter. For example, without $externalid, returns all alerts for a borrower on a topic.
sub getalert {
my ( $borrowernumber, $type, $externalid ) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $query = "SELECT a.*, b.branchcode FROM alert a JOIN borrowers b USING(borrowernumber) WHERE";
my @bind;
if ($borrowernumber and $borrowernumber =~ /^\d+$/) {
$query .= " borrowernumber=? AND ";
push @bind, $borrowernumber;
if ($type) {
$query .= " type=? AND ";
push @bind, $type;
if ($externalid) {
$query .= " externalid=? AND ";
push @bind, $externalid;
$query =~ s/ AND $//;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
=head2 findrelatedto($type, $externalid)
parameters :
- $type : the type of alert
- $externalid : the id of the "object" to query
In the table alert, a "id" is stored in the externalid field. This "id" is related to another table, depending on the type of the alert.
When type=issue, the id is related to a subscriptionid and this sub returns the name of the biblio.
# outmoded POD:
# When type=virtual, the id is related to a virtual shelf and this sub returns the name of the sub
sub findrelatedto {
my $type = shift or return;
my $externalid = shift or return;
my $q = ($type eq 'issue' ) ?
"select title as result from subscription left join biblio on subscription.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber where subscriptionid=?" :
($type eq 'borrower') ?
"select concat(firstname,' ',surname) from borrowers where borrowernumber=?" : undef;
unless ($q) {
warn "findrelatedto(): Illegal type '$type'";
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($q);
my ($result) = $sth->fetchrow;
return $result;
=head2 SendAlerts
parameters :
- $type : the type of alert
- $externalid : the id of the "object" to query
- $letter_code : the letter to send.
send an alert to all borrowers having put an alert on a given subject.
sub SendAlerts {
my ( $type, $externalid, $letter_code ) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
if ( $type eq 'issue' ) {
# prepare the letter...
# search the biblionumber
my $sth =
"SELECT biblionumber FROM subscription WHERE subscriptionid=?");
my ($biblionumber) = $sth->fetchrow
or warn( "No subscription for '$externalid'" ),
my %letter;
# find the list of borrowers to alert
my $alerts = getalert( '', 'issue', $externalid );
foreach (@$alerts) {
my $borinfo = C4::Members::GetMember('borrowernumber' => $_->{'borrowernumber'});
my $email = $borinfo->{email} or next;
# warn "sending issues...";
my $userenv = C4::Context->userenv;
my $branchdetails = GetBranchDetail($_->{'branchcode'});
my $letter = GetPreparedLetter (
module => 'serial',
letter_code => $letter_code,
branchcode => $userenv->{branch},
tables => {
'branches' => $_->{branchcode},
'biblio' => $biblionumber,
'biblioitems' => $biblionumber,
'borrowers' => $borinfo,
want_librarian => 1,
) or return;
# ... then send mail
my %mail = (
To => $email,
From => $branchdetails->{'branchemail'} || C4::Context->preference("KohaAdminEmailAddress"),
Subject => Encode::encode( "utf8", "" . $letter->{title} ),
Message => Encode::encode( "utf8", "" . $letter->{content} ),
'Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset="utf8"',
sendmail(%mail) or carp $Mail::Sendmail::error;
elsif ( $type eq 'claimacquisition' or $type eq 'claimissues' ) {
# prepare the letter...
# search the biblionumber
my $strsth = $type eq 'claimacquisition'
? qq{
SELECT aqorders.*,aqbasket.*,biblio.*,biblioitems.*,aqbooksellers.*,
aqbooksellers.id AS booksellerid
FROM aqorders
LEFT JOIN aqbasket ON aqbasket.basketno=aqorders.basketno
LEFT JOIN biblio ON aqorders.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber
LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON aqorders.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblionumber
LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers ON aqbasket.booksellerid=aqbooksellers.id
WHERE aqorders.ordernumber IN (
: qq{
SELECT serial.*,subscription.*, biblio.*, aqbooksellers.*,
aqbooksellers.id AS booksellerid
FROM serial
LEFT JOIN subscription ON serial.subscriptionid=subscription.subscriptionid
LEFT JOIN biblio ON serial.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber
LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers ON subscription.aqbooksellerid=aqbooksellers.id
WHERE serial.serialid IN (
$strsth .= join( ",", @$externalid ) . ")";
my $sthorders = $dbh->prepare($strsth);
my $dataorders = $sthorders->fetchall_arrayref( {} );
my $sthbookseller =
$dbh->prepare("select * from aqbooksellers where id=?");
$sthbookseller->execute( $dataorders->[0]->{booksellerid} );
my $databookseller = $sthbookseller->fetchrow_hashref;
my @email;
push @email, $databookseller->{bookselleremail} if $databookseller->{bookselleremail};
push @email, $databookseller->{contemail} if $databookseller->{contemail};
unless (@email) {
warn "Bookseller $dataorders->[0]->{booksellerid} without emails";
return { error => "no_email" };
my $userenv = C4::Context->userenv;
my $letter = GetPreparedLetter (
module => $type,
letter_code => $letter_code,
branchcode => $userenv->{branch},
tables => {
'branches' => $userenv->{branch},
'aqbooksellers' => $databookseller,
repeat => $dataorders,
want_librarian => 1,
) or return;
# ... then send mail
my %mail = (
To => join( ',', @email),
From => $userenv->{emailaddress},
Subject => Encode::encode( "utf8", "" . $letter->{title} ),
Message => Encode::encode( "utf8", "" . $letter->{content} ),
'Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset="utf8"',
sendmail(%mail) or carp $Mail::Sendmail::error;
$type eq 'claimissues' ? "CLAIM ISSUE" : "ACQUISITION CLAIM",
. $databookseller->{contemail}
. " Title="
. $letter->{title}
. " Content="
. $letter->{content}
) if C4::Context->preference("LetterLog");
# send an "account details" notice to a newly created user
elsif ( $type eq 'members' ) {
my $branchdetails = GetBranchDetail($externalid->{'branchcode'});
my $letter = GetPreparedLetter (
module => 'members',
letter_code => $letter_code,
branchcode => $externalid->{'branchcode'},
tables => {
'branches' => $branchdetails,
'borrowers' => $externalid->{'borrowernumber'},
substitute => { 'borrowers.password' => $externalid->{'password'} },
want_librarian => 1,
) or return;
return { error => "no_email" } unless $externalid->{'emailaddr'};
my %mail = (
To => $externalid->{'emailaddr'},
From => $branchdetails->{'branchemail'} || C4::Context->preference("KohaAdminEmailAddress"),
Subject => Encode::encode( "utf8", $letter->{'title'} ),
Message => Encode::encode( "utf8", $letter->{'content'} ),
'Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset="utf8"',
sendmail(%mail) or carp $Mail::Sendmail::error;
=head2 GetPreparedLetter( %params )
%params hash:
module => letter module, mandatory
letter_code => letter code, mandatory
branchcode => for letter selection, if missing default system letter taken
tables => a hashref with table names as keys. Values are either:
- a scalar - primary key value
- an arrayref - primary key values
- a hashref - full record
substitute => custom substitution key/value pairs
repeat => records to be substituted on consecutive lines:
- an arrayref - tries to guess what needs substituting by
taking remaining << >> tokensr; not recommended
- a hashref token => @tables - replaces <token> << >> << >> </token>
subtemplate for each @tables row; table is a hashref as above
want_librarian => boolean, if set to true triggers librarian details
substitution from the userenv
Return value:
letter fields hashref (title & content useful)
sub GetPreparedLetter {
my %params = @_;
my $module = $params{module} or croak "No module";
my $letter_code = $params{letter_code} or croak "No letter_code";
my $branchcode = $params{branchcode} || '';
my $mtt = $params{message_transport_type} || 'email';
my $letter = getletter( $module, $letter_code, $branchcode, $mtt )
or warn( "No $module $letter_code letter transported by " . $mtt ),
my $tables = $params{tables};
my $substitute = $params{substitute};
my $repeat = $params{repeat};
$tables || $substitute || $repeat
or carp( "ERROR: nothing to substitute - both 'tables' and 'substitute' are empty" ),
my $want_librarian = $params{want_librarian};
if ($substitute) {
while ( my ($token, $val) = each %$substitute ) {
$letter->{title} =~ s/<<$token>>/$val/g;
$letter->{content} =~ s/<<$token>>/$val/g;
my $OPACBaseURL = C4::Context->preference('OPACBaseURL');
$letter->{content} =~ s/<<OPACBaseURL>>/$OPACBaseURL/go;
if ($want_librarian) {
# parsing librarian name
my $userenv = C4::Context->userenv;
$letter->{content} =~ s/<<LibrarianFirstname>>/$userenv->{firstname}/go;
$letter->{content} =~ s/<<LibrarianSurname>>/$userenv->{surname}/go;
$letter->{content} =~ s/<<LibrarianEmailaddress>>/$userenv->{emailaddress}/go;
my ($repeat_no_enclosing_tags, $repeat_enclosing_tags);
if ($repeat) {
if (ref ($repeat) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
$repeat_no_enclosing_tags = $repeat;
} else {
$repeat_enclosing_tags = $repeat;
if ($repeat_enclosing_tags) {
while ( my ($tag, $tag_tables) = each %$repeat_enclosing_tags ) {
if ( $letter->{content} =~ m!<$tag>(.*)</$tag>!s ) {
my $subcontent = $1;
my @lines = map {
my %subletter = ( title => '', content => $subcontent );
_substitute_tables( \%subletter, $_ );
} @$tag_tables;
$letter->{content} =~ s!<$tag>.*</$tag>!join( "\n", @lines )!se;
if ($tables) {
_substitute_tables( $letter, $tables );
if ($repeat_no_enclosing_tags) {
if ( $letter->{content} =~ m/[^\n]*<<.*>>[^\n]*/so ) {
my $line = $&;
my $i = 1;
my @lines = map {
my $c = $line;
$c =~ s/<<count>>/$i/go;
foreach my $field ( keys %{$_} ) {
$c =~ s/(<<[^\.]+.$field>>)/$_->{$field}/;
} @$repeat_no_enclosing_tags;
my $replaceby = join( "\n", @lines );
$letter->{content} =~ s/\Q$line\E/$replaceby/s;
$letter->{content} =~ s/<<\S*>>//go; #remove any stragglers
# $letter->{content} =~ s/<<[^>]*>>//go;
return $letter;
sub _substitute_tables {
my ( $letter, $tables ) = @_;
while ( my ($table, $param) = each %$tables ) {
next unless $param;
my $ref = ref $param;
my $values;
if ($ref && $ref eq 'HASH') {
$values = $param;
else {
my @pk;
my $sth = _parseletter_sth($table);
unless ($sth) {
warn "_parseletter_sth('$table') failed to return a valid sth. No substitution will be done for that table.";
$sth->execute( $ref ? @$param : $param );
$values = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
_parseletter ( $letter, $table, $values );
sub _parseletter_sth {
my $table = shift;
my $sth;
unless ($table) {
carp "ERROR: _parseletter_sth() called without argument (table)";
# NOTE: we used to check whether we had a statement handle cached in
# a %handles module-level variable. This was a dumb move and
# broke things for the rest of us. prepare_cached is a better
# way to cache statement handles anyway.
my $query =
($table eq 'biblio' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE biblionumber = ?" :
($table eq 'biblioitems' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE biblionumber = ?" :
($table eq 'items' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE itemnumber = ?" :
($table eq 'issues' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE itemnumber = ?" :
($table eq 'old_issues' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE itemnumber = ? ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1" :
($table eq 'reserves' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE borrowernumber = ? and biblionumber = ?" :
($table eq 'borrowers' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE borrowernumber = ?" :
($table eq 'branches' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE branchcode = ?" :
($table eq 'suggestions' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE suggestionid = ?" :
($table eq 'aqbooksellers') ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = ?" :
($table eq 'aqorders' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE ordernumber = ?" :
($table eq 'opac_news' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE idnew = ?" :
($table eq 'borrower_modifications') ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE borrowernumber = ? OR verification_token =?":
undef ;
unless ($query) {
warn "ERROR: No _parseletter_sth query for table '$table'";
return; # nothing to get
unless ($sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare_cached($query)) {
warn "ERROR: Failed to prepare query: '$query'";
return $sth; # now cache is populated for that $table
=head2 _parseletter($letter, $table, $values)
parameters :
- $letter : a hash to letter fields (title & content useful)
- $table : the Koha table to parse.
- $values : table record hashref
parse all fields from a table, and replace values in title & content with the appropriate value
(not exported sub, used only internally)
sub _parseletter {
my ( $letter, $table, $values ) = @_;
if ( $table eq 'reserves' && $values->{'waitingdate'} ) {
my @waitingdate = split /-/, $values->{'waitingdate'};
$values->{'expirationdate'} = '';
if( C4::Context->preference('ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelay') &&
C4::Context->preference('ReservesMaxPickUpDelay') ) {
my $dt = dt_from_string();
$dt->add( days => C4::Context->preference('ReservesMaxPickUpDelay') );
$values->{'expirationdate'} = output_pref({ dt => $dt, dateonly => 1 });
$values->{'waitingdate'} = output_pref({ dt => dt_from_string( $values->{'waitingdate'} ), dateonly => 1 });
if ($letter->{content} && $letter->{content} =~ /<<today>>/) {
my $todaysdate = output_pref( DateTime->now() );
$letter->{content} =~ s/<<today>>/$todaysdate/go;
while ( my ($field, $val) = each %$values ) {
my $replacetablefield = "<<$table.$field>>";
my $replacefield = "<<$field>>";
$val =~ s/\p{P}$// if $val && $table=~/biblio/;
#BZ 9886: Assuming that we want to eliminate ISBD punctuation here
#Therefore adding the test on biblio. This includes biblioitems,
#but excludes items. Removed unneeded global and lookahead.
$val = GetAuthorisedValueByCode ('ROADTYPE', $val, 0) if $table=~/^borrowers$/ && $field=~/^streettype$/;
my $replacedby = defined ($val) ? $val : '';
($letter->{title} ) and do {
$letter->{title} =~ s/$replacetablefield/$replacedby/g;
$letter->{title} =~ s/$replacefield/$replacedby/g;
($letter->{content}) and do {
$letter->{content} =~ s/$replacetablefield/$replacedby/g;
$letter->{content} =~ s/$replacefield/$replacedby/g;
if ($table eq 'borrowers' && $letter->{content}) {
if ( my $attributes = GetBorrowerAttributes($values->{borrowernumber}) ) {
my %attr;
foreach (@$attributes) {
my $code = $_->{code};
my $val = $_->{value_description} || $_->{value};
$val =~ s/\p{P}(?=$)//g if $val;
next unless $val gt '';
$attr{$code} ||= [];
push @{ $attr{$code} }, $val;
while ( my ($code, $val_ar) = each %attr ) {
my $replacefield = "<<borrower-attribute:$code>>";
my $replacedby = join ',', @$val_ar;
$letter->{content} =~ s/$replacefield/$replacedby/g;
return $letter;
=head2 EnqueueLetter
my $success = EnqueueLetter( { letter => $letter,
borrowernumber => '12', message_transport_type => 'email' } )
places a letter in the message_queue database table, which will
eventually get processed (sent) by the process_message_queue.pl
cronjob when it calls SendQueuedMessages.
return message_id on success
sub EnqueueLetter {
my $params = shift or return;
return unless exists $params->{'letter'};
# return unless exists $params->{'borrowernumber'};
return unless exists $params->{'message_transport_type'};
my $content = $params->{letter}->{content};
$content =~ s/\s+//g if(defined $content);
if ( not defined $content or $content eq '' ) {
warn "Trying to add an empty message to the message queue" if $debug;
# If we have any attachments we should encode then into the body.
if ( $params->{'attachments'} ) {
$params->{'letter'} = _add_attachments(
{ letter => $params->{'letter'},
attachments => $params->{'attachments'},
message => MIME::Lite->new( Type => 'multipart/mixed' ),
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh();
my $statement = << 'ENDSQL';
INSERT INTO message_queue
( borrowernumber, subject, content, metadata, letter_code, message_transport_type, status, time_queued, to_address, from_address, content_type )
( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?, ? )
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement);
my $result = $sth->execute(
$params->{'borrowernumber'}, # borrowernumber
$params->{'letter'}->{'title'}, # subject
$params->{'letter'}->{'content'}, # content
$params->{'letter'}->{'metadata'} || '', # metadata
$params->{'letter'}->{'code'} || '', # letter_code
$params->{'message_transport_type'}, # message_transport_type
'pending', # status
$params->{'to_address'}, # to_address
$params->{'from_address'}, # from_address
$params->{'letter'}->{'content-type'}, # content_type
return $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,'message_queue', undef);
=head2 SendQueuedMessages ([$hashref])
my $sent = SendQueuedMessages( { verbose => 1 } );
sends all of the 'pending' items in the message queue.
returns number of messages sent.
sub SendQueuedMessages {
my $params = shift;
my $unsent_messages = _get_unsent_messages();
MESSAGE: foreach my $message ( @$unsent_messages ) {
# warn Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $message ], [ 'message' ] );
warn sprintf( 'sending %s message to patron: %s',
$message->{'borrowernumber'} || 'Admin' )
if $params->{'verbose'} or $debug;
# This is just begging for subclassing
next MESSAGE if ( lc($message->{'message_transport_type'}) eq 'rss' );
if ( lc( $message->{'message_transport_type'} ) eq 'email' ) {
_send_message_by_email( $message, $params->{'username'}, $params->{'password'}, $params->{'method'} );
elsif ( lc( $message->{'message_transport_type'} ) eq 'sms' ) {
_send_message_by_sms( $message );
return scalar( @$unsent_messages );
=head2 GetRSSMessages
my $message_list = GetRSSMessages( { limit => 10, borrowernumber => '14' } )
returns a listref of all queued RSS messages for a particular person.
sub GetRSSMessages {
my $params = shift;
return unless $params;
return unless ref $params;
return unless $params->{'borrowernumber'};
return _get_unsent_messages( { message_transport_type => 'rss',
limit => $params->{'limit'},
borrowernumber => $params->{'borrowernumber'}, } );
=head2 GetPrintMessages
my $message_list = GetPrintMessages( { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber } )
Returns a arrayref of all queued print messages (optionally, for a particular
sub GetPrintMessages {
my $params = shift || {};
return _get_unsent_messages( { message_transport_type => 'print',
borrowernumber => $params->{'borrowernumber'},
} );
=head2 GetQueuedMessages ([$hashref])
my $messages = GetQueuedMessage( { borrowernumber => '123', limit => 20 } );
fetches messages out of the message queue.
list of hashes, each has represents a message in the message queue.
sub GetQueuedMessages {
my $params = shift;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh();
my $statement = << 'ENDSQL';
SELECT message_id, borrowernumber, subject, content, message_transport_type, status, time_queued
FROM message_queue
my @query_params;
my @whereclauses;
if ( exists $params->{'borrowernumber'} ) {
push @whereclauses, ' borrowernumber = ? ';
push @query_params, $params->{'borrowernumber'};
if ( @whereclauses ) {
$statement .= ' WHERE ' . join( 'AND', @whereclauses );
if ( defined $params->{'limit'} ) {
$statement .= ' LIMIT ? ';
push @query_params, $params->{'limit'};
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $statement );
my $result = $sth->execute( @query_params );
return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
=head2 GetMessageTransportTypes
my @mtt = GetMessageTransportTypes();
returns an arrayref of transport types
sub GetMessageTransportTypes {
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh();
my $mtts = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("
SELECT message_transport_type
FROM message_transport_types
ORDER BY message_transport_type
return $mtts;
=head2 _add_attachements
named parameters:
letter - the standard letter hashref
attachments - listref of attachments. each attachment is a hashref of:
type - the mime type, like 'text/plain'
content - the actual attachment
filename - the name of the attachment.
message - a MIME::Lite object to attach these to.
returns your letter object, with the content updated.
sub _add_attachments {
my $params = shift;
my $letter = $params->{'letter'};
my $attachments = $params->{'attachments'};
return $letter unless @$attachments;
my $message = $params->{'message'};
# First, we have to put the body in as the first attachment
Type => $letter->{'content-type'} || 'TEXT',
Data => $letter->{'is_html'}
? _wrap_html($letter->{'content'}, $letter->{'title'})
: $letter->{'content'},
foreach my $attachment ( @$attachments ) {
Type => $attachment->{'type'},
Data => $attachment->{'content'},
Filename => $attachment->{'filename'},
# we're forcing list context here to get the header, not the count back from grep.
( $letter->{'content-type'} ) = grep( /^Content-Type:/, split( /\n/, $params->{'message'}->header_as_string ) );
$letter->{'content-type'} =~ s/^Content-Type:\s+//;
$letter->{'content'} = $message->body_as_string;
return $letter;
sub _get_unsent_messages {
my $params = shift;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh();
my $statement = << 'ENDSQL';
SELECT mq.message_id, mq.borrowernumber, mq.subject, mq.content, mq.message_transport_type, mq.status, mq.time_queued, mq.from_address, mq.to_address, mq.content_type, b.branchcode, mq.letter_code
FROM message_queue mq
LEFT JOIN borrowers b ON b.borrowernumber = mq.borrowernumber
WHERE status = ?
my @query_params = ('pending');
if ( ref $params ) {
if ( $params->{'message_transport_type'} ) {
$statement .= ' AND message_transport_type = ? ';
push @query_params, $params->{'message_transport_type'};
if ( $params->{'borrowernumber'} ) {
$statement .= ' AND borrowernumber = ? ';
push @query_params, $params->{'borrowernumber'};
if ( $params->{'limit'} ) {
$statement .= ' limit ? ';
push @query_params, $params->{'limit'};
$debug and warn "_get_unsent_messages SQL: $statement";
$debug and warn "_get_unsent_messages params: " . join(',',@query_params);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $statement );
my $result = $sth->execute( @query_params );
return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
sub _send_message_by_email {
my $message = shift or return;
my ($username, $password, $method) = @_;
my $member = C4::Members::GetMember( 'borrowernumber' => $message->{'borrowernumber'} );
my $to_address = $message->{'to_address'};
unless ($to_address) {
unless ($member) {
warn "FAIL: No 'to_address' and INVALID borrowernumber ($message->{borrowernumber})";
_set_message_status( { message_id => $message->{'message_id'},
status => 'failed' } );
$to_address = C4::Members::GetNoticeEmailAddress( $message->{'borrowernumber'} );
unless ($to_address) {
# warn "FAIL: No 'to_address' and no email for " . ($member->{surname} ||'') . ", borrowernumber ($message->{borrowernumber})";
# warning too verbose for this more common case?
_set_message_status( { message_id => $message->{'message_id'},
status => 'failed' } );
my $utf8 = decode('MIME-Header', $message->{'subject'} );
$message->{subject}= encode('MIME-Header', $utf8);
my $subject = encode('utf8', $message->{'subject'});
my $content = encode('utf8', $message->{'content'});
my $content_type = $message->{'content_type'} || 'text/plain; charset="UTF-8"';
my $is_html = $content_type =~ m/html/io;
my $branch_email = ( $member ) ? GetBranchDetail( $member->{'branchcode'} )->{'branchemail'} : undef;
my %sendmail_params = (
To => $to_address,
From => $message->{'from_address'} || $branch_email || C4::Context->preference('KohaAdminEmailAddress'),
Subject => $subject,
charset => 'utf8',
Message => $is_html ? _wrap_html($content, $subject) : $content,
'content-type' => $content_type,
$sendmail_params{'Auth'} = {user => $username, pass => $password, method => $method} if $username;
if ( my $bcc = C4::Context->preference('OverdueNoticeBcc') ) {
$sendmail_params{ Bcc } = $bcc;
_update_message_to_address($message->{'message_id'},$to_address) unless $message->{to_address}; #if initial message address was empty, coming here means that a to address was found and queue should be updated
if ( sendmail( %sendmail_params ) ) {
_set_message_status( { message_id => $message->{'message_id'},
status => 'sent' } );
return 1;
} else {
_set_message_status( { message_id => $message->{'message_id'},
status => 'failed' } );
carp $Mail::Sendmail::error;
sub _wrap_html {
my ($content, $title) = @_;
my $css = C4::Context->preference("NoticeCSS") || '';
$css = qq{<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$css">} if $css;
return <<EOS;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
sub _is_duplicate {
my ( $message ) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $count = $dbh->selectrow_array(q|
FROM message_queue
WHERE message_transport_type = ?
AND borrowernumber = ?
AND letter_code = ?
AND CAST(time_queued AS date) = CAST(NOW() AS date)
AND status="sent"
AND content = ?
|, {}, $message->{message_transport_type}, $message->{borrowernumber}, $message->{letter_code}, $message->{content} );
return $count;
sub _send_message_by_sms {
my $message = shift or return;
my $member = C4::Members::GetMember( 'borrowernumber' => $message->{'borrowernumber'} );
unless ( $member->{smsalertnumber} ) {
_set_message_status( { message_id => $message->{'message_id'},
status => 'failed' } );
if ( _is_duplicate( $message ) ) {
_set_message_status( { message_id => $message->{'message_id'},
status => 'failed' } );
my $success = C4::SMS->send_sms( { destination => $member->{'smsalertnumber'},
message => $message->{'content'},
} );
_set_message_status( { message_id => $message->{'message_id'},
status => ($success ? 'sent' : 'failed') } );
return $success;
sub _update_message_to_address {
my ($id, $to)= @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh();
$dbh->do('UPDATE message_queue SET to_address=? WHERE message_id=?',undef,($to,$id));
sub _set_message_status {
my $params = shift or return;
foreach my $required_parameter ( qw( message_id status ) ) {
return unless exists $params->{ $required_parameter };
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh();
my $statement = 'UPDATE message_queue SET status= ? WHERE message_id = ?';
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $statement );
my $result = $sth->execute( $params->{'status'},
$params->{'message_id'} );
return $result;