Rafal Kopaczka e9eef04b95 Bug 12876 - Reserve in waiting/transfer status may be cancelled by user
User may cancel his own reservation at waiting or in transit status
through calling opac-modrequest.pl. Cancel button is disabled in
interface but possibility to cancel should be checked also in
opac-moderequest.pl, before calling CancelReserve().
Similar situation is with opac-modrequest-suspend.pl

This patch provides new soubroutine to chceck if user can cancel given
reserve. It's possible only when he's owner of hold and hold isn't in
transfer or waiting status.

Additionaly there are new test for this function in Reserves.t

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@biblibre.com>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de>
Passes all tests, QA script and new tests.
Works as described, tested with:

Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@gmail.com>
2014-09-23 20:46:50 -03:00

457 lines
18 KiB
Executable file

use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 47;
use MARC::Record;
use DateTime::Duration;
use C4::Branch;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Items;
use C4::Members;
use C4::Circulation;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use Koha::DateUtils;
use Data::Dumper;
# a very minimal mack of userenv for use by the test of DelItemCheck
*C4::Context::userenv = sub {
return {};
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# Start transaction
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
# Setup Test------------------------
# Add branches if not existing
foreach my $addbra ('CPL', 'FPL', 'RPL') {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO branches (branchcode,branchname) VALUES (?,?)", undef, ($addbra,"$addbra branch")) unless GetBranchName($addbra);
# Add categories if not existing
foreach my $addcat ('S', 'PT') {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO categories (categorycode,hidelostitems,category_type) VALUES (?,?,?)",undef,($addcat, 0, $addcat eq 'S'? 'S': 'A')) unless GetBorrowercategory($addcat);
# Helper biblio.
diag("\nCreating biblio instance for testing.");
my $bib = MARC::Record->new();
my $title = 'Silence in the library';
if( C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC' ) {
MARC::Field->new('600', '', '1', a => 'Moffat, Steven'),
MARC::Field->new('200', '', '', a => $title),
else {
MARC::Field->new('100', '', '', a => 'Moffat, Steven'),
MARC::Field->new('245', '', '', a => $title),
my ($bibnum, $bibitemnum);
($bibnum, $title, $bibitemnum) = AddBiblio($bib, '');
# Helper item for that biblio.
diag("Creating item instance for testing.");
my ($item_bibnum, $item_bibitemnum, $itemnumber) = AddItem({ homebranch => 'CPL', holdingbranch => 'CPL' } , $bibnum);
# Modify item; setting barcode.
my $testbarcode = '97531';
ModItem({ barcode => $testbarcode }, $bibnum, $itemnumber);
# Create a borrower
my %data = (
firstname => 'my firstname',
surname => 'my surname',
categorycode => 'S',
branchcode => 'CPL',
my $borrowernumber = AddMember(%data);
my $borrower = GetMember( borrowernumber => $borrowernumber );
my $biblionumber = $bibnum;
my $barcode = $testbarcode;
my $constraint = 'a';
my $bibitems = '';
my $priority = '1';
my $resdate = undef;
my $expdate = undef;
my $notes = '';
my $checkitem = undef;
my $found = undef;
my @branches = GetBranchesLoop();
my $branch = $branches[0][0]{value};
AddReserve($branch, $borrowernumber, $biblionumber,
$constraint, $bibitems, $priority, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found);
my ($status, $reserve, $all_reserves) = CheckReserves($itemnumber, $barcode);
is($status, "Reserved", "CheckReserves Test 1");
ok(exists($reserve->{reserve_id}), 'CheckReserves() include reserve_id in its response');
($status, $reserve, $all_reserves) = CheckReserves($itemnumber);
is($status, "Reserved", "CheckReserves Test 2");
($status, $reserve, $all_reserves) = CheckReserves(undef, $barcode);
is($status, "Reserved", "CheckReserves Test 3");
my $ReservesControlBranch = C4::Context->preference('ReservesControlBranch');
C4::Context->set_preference( 'ReservesControlBranch', 'ItemHomeLibrary' );
'ItemHomeLib' eq GetReservesControlBranch(
{ homebranch => 'ItemHomeLib' },
{ branchcode => 'PatronHomeLib' }
), "GetReservesControlBranch returns item home branch when set to ItemHomeLibrary"
C4::Context->set_preference( 'ReservesControlBranch', 'PatronLibrary' );
'PatronHomeLib' eq GetReservesControlBranch(
{ homebranch => 'ItemHomeLib' },
{ branchcode => 'PatronHomeLib' }
), "GetReservesControlBranch returns patron home branch when set to PatronLibrary"
C4::Context->set_preference( 'ReservesControlBranch', $ReservesControlBranch );
### Regression test for bug 10272
my %requesters = ();
$requesters{'CPL'} = AddMember(
branchcode => 'CPL',
categorycode => 'PT',
surname => 'borrower from CPL',
$requesters{'FPL'} = AddMember(
branchcode => 'FPL',
categorycode => 'PT',
surname => 'borrower from FPL',
$requesters{'RPL'} = AddMember(
branchcode => 'RPL',
categorycode => 'PT',
surname => 'borrower from RPL',
# Configure rules so that CPL allows only CPL patrons
# to request its items, while FPL will allow its items
# to fill holds from anywhere.
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM issuingrules');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM branch_item_rules');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM branch_borrower_circ_rules');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM default_borrower_circ_rules');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM default_branch_item_rules');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM default_branch_circ_rules');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM default_circ_rules');
q{INSERT INTO issuingrules (categorycode, branchcode, itemtype, reservesallowed)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)},
'*', '*', '*', 25
# CPL allows only its own patrons to request its items
q{INSERT INTO default_branch_circ_rules (branchcode, maxissueqty, holdallowed, returnbranch)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)},
'CPL', 10, 1, 'homebranch',
# ... while FPL allows anybody to request its items
q{INSERT INTO default_branch_circ_rules (branchcode, maxissueqty, holdallowed, returnbranch)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)},
'FPL', 10, 2, 'homebranch',
# helper biblio for the bug 10272 regression test
my $bib2 = MARC::Record->new();
MARC::Field->new('100', ' ', ' ', a => 'Moffat, Steven'),
MARC::Field->new('245', ' ', ' ', a => $title),
# create one item belonging to FPL and one belonging to CPL
my ($bibnum2, $bibitemnum2) = AddBiblio($bib, '');
my ($itemnum_cpl, $itemnum_fpl);
(undef, undef, $itemnum_cpl) = AddItem({
homebranch => 'CPL',
holdingbranch => 'CPL',
barcode => 'bug10272_CPL'
} , $bibnum2);
(undef, undef, $itemnum_fpl) = AddItem({
homebranch => 'FPL',
holdingbranch => 'FPL',
barcode => 'bug10272_FPL'
} , $bibnum2);
# Ensure that priorities are numbered correcly when a hold is moved to waiting
# (bug 11947)
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum2));
AddReserve('RPL', $requesters{'RPL'}, $bibnum2,
$constraint, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found);
AddReserve('FPL', $requesters{'FPL'}, $bibnum2,
$constraint, $bibitems, 2, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found);
AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum2,
$constraint, $bibitems, 3, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found);
ModReserveAffect($itemnum_cpl, $requesters{'RPL'}, 0);
# Now it should have different priorities.
my $title_reserves = GetReservesFromBiblionumber({biblionumber => $bibnum2});
# Sort by reserve number in case the database gives us oddly ordered results
my @reserves = sort { $a->{reserve_id} <=> $b->{reserve_id} } @$title_reserves;
is($reserves[0]{priority}, 0, 'Item is correctly waiting');
is($reserves[1]{priority}, 1, 'Item is correctly priority 1');
is($reserves[2]{priority}, 2, 'Item is correctly priority 2');
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum2));
AddReserve('RPL', $requesters{'RPL'}, $bibnum2,
$constraint, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found);
AddReserve('FPL', $requesters{'FPL'}, $bibnum2,
$constraint, $bibitems, 2, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found);
AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum2,
$constraint, $bibitems, 3, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found);
# Ensure that the item's home library controls hold policy lookup
C4::Context->set_preference( 'ReservesControlBranch', 'ItemHomeLibrary' );
my $messages;
# Return the CPL item at FPL. The hold that should be triggered is
# the one placed by the CPL patron, as the other two patron's hold
# requests cannot be filled by that item per policy.
(undef, $messages, undef, undef) = AddReturn('bug10272_CPL', 'FPL');
is( $messages->{ResFound}->{borrowernumber},
'restrictive library\'s items only fill requests by own patrons (bug 10272)');
# Return the FPL item at FPL. The hold that should be triggered is
# the one placed by the RPL patron, as that patron is first in line
# and RPL imposes no restrictions on whose holds its items can fill.
(undef, $messages, undef, undef) = AddReturn('bug10272_FPL', 'FPL');
is( $messages->{ResFound}->{borrowernumber},
'for generous library, its items fill first hold request in line (bug 10272)');
my $reserves = GetReservesFromBiblionumber({biblionumber => $biblionumber});
isa_ok($reserves, 'ARRAY');
is(scalar @$reserves, 1, "Only one reserves for this biblio");
my $reserve_id = $reserves->[0]->{reserve_id};
$reserve = GetReserve($reserve_id);
isa_ok($reserve, 'HASH', "GetReserve return");
is($reserve->{biblionumber}, $biblionumber);
$reserve = CancelReserve({reserve_id => $reserve_id});
isa_ok($reserve, 'HASH', "CancelReserve return");
is($reserve->{biblionumber}, $biblionumber);
$reserve = GetReserve($reserve_id);
is($reserve, undef, "GetReserve returns undef after deletion");
$reserve = CancelReserve({reserve_id => $reserve_id});
is($reserve, undef, "CancelReserve return undef if reserve does not exist");
# Tests for bug 9761 (ConfirmFutureHolds): new CheckReserves lookahead parameter, and corresponding change in AddReturn
# Note that CheckReserve uses its lookahead parameter and does not check ConfirmFutureHolds pref (it should be passed if needed like AddReturn does)
# Test 9761a: Add a reserve without date, CheckReserve should return it
$resdate= undef; #defaults to today in AddReserve
$expdate= undef; #no expdate
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum));
AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum,
$constraint, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found);
is( $status, 'Reserved', 'CheckReserves returns reserve without lookahead');
is( $status, 'Reserved', 'CheckReserves also returns reserve with lookahead');
# Test 9761b: Add a reserve with future date, CheckReserve should not return it
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum));
C4::Context->set_preference('AllowHoldDateInFuture', 1);
$resdate= dt_from_string();
$resdate->add_duration(DateTime::Duration->new(days => 4));
$expdate= undef; #no expdate
AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum,
$constraint, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found);
is( $status, '', 'CheckReserves returns no future reserve without lookahead');
# Test 9761c: Add a reserve with future date, CheckReserve should return it if lookahead is high enough
is( $status, '', 'CheckReserves returns no future reserve with insufficient lookahead');
is( $status, 'Reserved', 'CheckReserves returns future reserve with sufficient lookahead');
# Test 9761d: Check ResFound message of AddReturn for future hold
# Note that AddReturn is in Circulation.pm, but this test really pertains to reserves; AddReturn uses the ConfirmFutureHolds pref when calling CheckReserves
# In this test we do not need an issued item; it is just a 'checkin'
C4::Context->set_preference('ConfirmFutureHolds', 0);
(my $doreturn, $messages)= AddReturn('97531','CPL');
is($messages->{ResFound}//'', '', 'AddReturn does not care about future reserve when ConfirmFutureHolds is off');
C4::Context->set_preference('ConfirmFutureHolds', 3);
($doreturn, $messages)= AddReturn('97531','CPL');
is(exists $messages->{ResFound}?1:0, 0, 'AddReturn ignores future reserve beyond ConfirmFutureHolds days');
C4::Context->set_preference('ConfirmFutureHolds', 7);
($doreturn, $messages)= AddReturn('97531','CPL');
is(exists $messages->{ResFound}?1:0, 1, 'AddReturn considers future reserve within ConfirmFutureHolds days');
# End of tests for bug 9761 (ConfirmFutureHolds)
# test marking a hold as captured
my $hold_notice_count = count_hold_print_messages();
ModReserveAffect($itemnumber, $requesters{'CPL'}, 0);
my $new_count = count_hold_print_messages();
is($new_count, $hold_notice_count + 1, 'patron notified when item set to waiting');
# test that duplicate notices aren't generated
ModReserveAffect($itemnumber, $requesters{'CPL'}, 0);
$new_count = count_hold_print_messages();
is($new_count, $hold_notice_count + 1, 'patron not notified a second time (bug 11445)');
# avoiding the not_same_branch error
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('IndependentBranches', 0);
DelItemCheck($dbh, $bibnum, $itemnumber),
'item that is captured to fill a hold cannot be deleted',
my $letter = ReserveSlip('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum);
ok(defined($letter), 'can successfully generate hold slip (bug 10949)');
# Tests for bug 9788: Does GetReservesFromItemnumber return a future wait?
# 9788a: GetReservesFromItemnumber does not return future next available hold
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum));
C4::Context->set_preference('ConfirmFutureHolds', 2);
C4::Context->set_preference('AllowHoldDateInFuture', 1);
$resdate= dt_from_string();
$resdate->add_duration(DateTime::Duration->new(days => 2));
AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum,
$constraint, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found);
my @results= GetReservesFromItemnumber($itemnumber);
is(defined $results[3]?1:0, 0, 'GetReservesFromItemnumber does not return a future next available hold');
# 9788b: GetReservesFromItemnumber does not return future item level hold
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum));
AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum,
$constraint, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $itemnumber, $found); #item level hold
@results= GetReservesFromItemnumber($itemnumber);
is(defined $results[3]?1:0, 0, 'GetReservesFromItemnumber does not return a future item level hold');
# 9788c: GetReservesFromItemnumber returns future wait (confirmed future hold)
ModReserveAffect( $itemnumber, $requesters{'CPL'} , 0); #confirm hold
@results= GetReservesFromItemnumber($itemnumber);
is(defined $results[3]?1:0, 1, 'GetReservesFromItemnumber returns a future wait (confirmed future hold)');
# End of tests for bug 9788
# Tests for CalculatePriority (bug 8918)
my $p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum2);
is($p, 4, 'CalculatePriority should now return priority 4');
AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum2,
$constraint, $bibitems, $p, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found);
$p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum2);
is($p, 5, 'CalculatePriority should now return priority 5');
#some tests on bibnum
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum));
$p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum);
is($p, 1, 'CalculatePriority should now return priority 1');
#add a new reserve and confirm it to waiting
AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum,
$constraint, $bibitems, $p, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $itemnumber, $found);
$p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum);
is($p, 2, 'CalculatePriority should now return priority 2');
ModReserveAffect( $itemnumber, $requesters{'CPL'} , 0);
$p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum);
is($p, 1, 'CalculatePriority should now return priority 1');
#add another biblio hold, no resdate
AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum,
$constraint, $bibitems, $p, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found);
$p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum);
is($p, 2, 'CalculatePriority should now return priority 2');
#add another future hold
C4::Context->set_preference('AllowHoldDateInFuture', 1);
$resdate= dt_from_string();
$resdate->add_duration(DateTime::Duration->new(days => 1));
AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum,
$constraint, $bibitems, $p, output_pref($resdate), $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found);
$p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum);
is($p, 2, 'CalculatePriority should now still return priority 2');
#calc priority with future resdate
$p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum, $resdate);
is($p, 3, 'CalculatePriority should now return priority 3');
# End of tests for bug 8918
# Tests for cancel reserves by users from OPAC.
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM reserves', undef, ($bibnum));
AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $item_bibnum,
$constraint, $bibitems, 1, undef, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, '');
my (undef, $canres, undef) = CheckReserves($itemnumber);
my $cancancel = CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac($canres->{reserve_id}, $requesters{'CPL'});
is($cancancel, 1, 'Can user cancel its own reserve');
$cancancel = CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac($canres->{reserve_id}, $requesters{'FPL'});
is($cancancel, 0, 'Other user cant cancel reserve');
ModReserveAffect($itemnumber, $requesters{'CPL'}, 1);
$cancancel = CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac($canres->{reserve_id}, $requesters{'CPL'});
is($cancancel, 0, 'Reserve in transfer status cant be canceled');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM reserves', undef, ($bibnum));
AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $item_bibnum,
$constraint, $bibitems, 1, undef, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, '');
(undef, $canres, undef) = CheckReserves($itemnumber);
ModReserveAffect($itemnumber, $requesters{'CPL'}, 0);
$cancancel = CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac($canres->{reserve_id}, $requesters{'CPL'});
is($cancancel, 0, 'Reserve in waiting status cant be canceled');
# End of tests for bug 12876
sub count_hold_print_messages {
my $message_count = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(q{
FROM message_queue
WHERE letter_code = 'HOLD'
AND message_transport_type = 'print'
return $message_count->[0]->[0];