This commit is generated using:
% perl misc/devel/
*within* ktd, to get the same version of perltidy than what will be used
by our CI (currently v20230309).
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This patch updates the bookable nature of items to allow setting at the
itemtype level and then overriding that setting at item level should you
so wish to do so.
We also now properly handle the item_level-itypes preference such that
we look at item or biblioitem level appropriately.
Signed-off-by: Esther <>
Signed-off-by: Paul Derscheid <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This patch adds a bookable boolean to enable/disable the ability to book
an item ahead of time
Test plan
1) Navigate to the 'Items' tab of a biblio
2) Note the new 'Bookable' option and select at least one item to allow
bookings to take place
3) Note that without any items selected as 'bookable' one does not have
the 'Place booking' option or the 'Bookings' tab on the biblio
details page.
4) Note that when at least one item is bookable, the place booking modal
now only displays items that are marked as bookable in the item
5) Sign off
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Janet McGowan <>
Signed-off-by: Caroline Cyr La Rose <>
Signed-off-by: Laurence Rault <>
Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
On bug 17591 we discovered that there was something weird going on with
the way we export and use subroutines/modules.
This patch tries to standardize our EXPORT to use EXPORT_OK only.
That way we will need to explicitely define the subroutine we want to
use from a module.
This patch is a squashed version of:
Bug 17600: After
Bug 17600: After perlimport
Bug 17600: Manual changes
Bug 17600: Other manual changes after second perlimports run
Bug 17600: Fix tests
And a lot of other manual changes. is a dirty script that can be found on bug 17600.
"perlimport" is:
git clone
cd App-perlimports/
cpanm --installdeps .
export PERL5LIB="$PERL5LIB:/kohadevbox/koha/App-perlimports/lib"
find . \( -name "*.pl" -o -name "*.pm" \) -exec perl App-perlimports/script/perlimports --inplace-edit --no-preserve-unused --filename {} \;
The ideas of this patch are to:
* use EXPORT_OK instead of EXPORT
* perltidy the EXPORT_OK list
* remove '&' before the subroutine names
* remove some uneeded use statements
* explicitely import the subroutines we need within the controllers or
Note that the private subroutines (starting with _) should not be
exported (and not used from outside of the module except from tests).
Export allows to export the functions and variables of modules to user’s namespace using the standard import method. This way, we don’t need to create the objects for the modules to access it’s members.
@EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK are the two main variables used during export operation.
@EXPORT contains list of symbols (subroutines and variables) of the module to be exported into the caller namespace.
@EXPORT_OK does export of symbols on demand basis.
If this patch caused a conflict with a patch you wrote prior to its
* Make sure you are not reintroducing a "use" statement that has been
* "$subroutine" is not exported by the C4::$MODULE module
means that you need to add the subroutine to the @EXPORT_OK list
* Bareword "$subroutine" not allowed while "strict subs"
means that you didn't imported the subroutine from the module:
- use $MODULE qw( $subroutine list );
You can also use the fully qualified namespace: C4::$MODULE::$subroutine
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
JD amended patch: remove unecessary indentation changes
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Christopher Brannon <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
This patch adds the ability to exclude patrons (by category) from local
holds, and items, by editing the item itself or by batch item
modification tool.
To test:
1. apply patches
2. updatedatabase
3. Enable LocalHoldsPriority preference, and leave
LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl in pickup library, and
LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl in holding library.
4. Search for a biblio with one item.
5. Place a hold with a patron (patron1) and set pickup location to a different
library of the item's home library
6. Place another hold with another patron (patron2) and set pickup location to be
the same as the item's home library
7. ./misc/cronjobs/holds/
8. Go to circulation -> holds queue
9. Search by the item's home library
CHECK => only the hold for patron2 (with the pickup location the same as the
item's home library) appears in the table
10. Go back to the biblio details page and click on "Items" tab
CHECK => There is a new section in the item's details between "Statuses"
and "History" called "Priority"
11. Set exclude to "Yes" and update
12. repeat steps 7 to 9
SUCCESS => only the hold for patron1 now appears, even the other hold had local
hold priority
13. Repeat step 10 and 11 but this time set exclude to "No"
14. repeat steps 7 to 9
CHECK => the hold for patron2 is back
15. Edit patron2's category and set exclude from local holds priority to
16. Repeat steps 7 to 9
SUCCESS => the hold for patron1 is back
17. Go to tools -> Batch item modification and in barcode list place
several (existing) barcodes and press continue
CHECK => There is a new section in the bottom called "Priority"
18. Set exclude to "Yes" and save
SUCCESS => all items in the list now have exclude setted to "Yes"
19. Try to checkout the first item to a patron3
SUCCESS => Alert message appears saying that patron1 has a hold on that
20. Click on Yes and then checkin that item
SUCCESS => There is a modal window saying that a hold was found for
21. prove t/db_dependent/HoldsQueue.t t/db_dependent/Holds/LocalHoldsPriority.t
22. Sign off
Sponsored-by: Cooperative Information Network (CIN)
Signed-off-by: Christopher Brannon <>
Signed-off-by: Christopher Brannon <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
If an item is marked as found (ie. not itemlost) we need to refund the
Test plan:
Mark an item as lost to create a fee for the patron
Mark it as found from the cataloguing module and confirm that the patron
is refunded
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Starting to replace the ModItem calls with Koha::Item->store
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Due to how was written it was hard to know which action
was triggered.
Test plan:
- Set MarkLostItemsAsReturned to "from the items tab of the catalog
- Check an item out to a patron
- Use to set that item to a lost status without returning it
- go to for that item
- mark item as either damaged or withdrawn without interacting with the
lost dropdown
- note that item has not been returned
Note for QA: Maybe we could have just tested if exists $item_changes->{'itemlost'}
to call LostItem
Signed-off-by: Claudie Trégouët <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Note: This is here for information purpose, feel free to test it if you
wan to play with it.
TODO: C4::Reserves::_get_itype is not longer in use
No more GetItem must be returned by:
git grep GetItem|grep -v GetItemsAvailableToFillHoldRequestsForBib|grep
-v GetItemsForInventory|grep -v GetItemsInfo|grep -v
GetItemsLocationInfo|grep -v GetItemsInCollection|grep -v
GetItemCourseReservesInfo|grep -v GetItemnumbersFromOrder|grep -v
GetItemSearchField|grep -v GetItemTypesCategorized|grep -v
GetItemNumbersFromImportBatch|cut -d':' -f1|sort|uniq
Signed-off-by: Josef Moravec <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Given the confusion regarding this behaviour it sounds better to make it
This pref will take 4 different values, 1 per place an item can be
marked as lost.
Test plan:
Mark items as lost and confirm the item is returned or not, depending on
the value of the system preference.
- from the longoverdue cronjob (--mark-returned takes precedence if set)
- from the batch item modification tool
- when cataloguing an item
- from the items tab of the catalog module
Signed-off-by: Séverine QUEUNE <>
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Test Plan:
- Check that it now says 'use Modern::Perl;' and not 'use strict; use
warnings;' in the following catalogue perl scripts.
Signed-off-by: Jon Knight <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
There are several ways to mark an item an lost:
- item list view (catalogue/, "Items" tab)
- cataloguing (cataloguing/
- Batch item modification tools (tools/
- The long overdue cronjob (misc/cronjobs/
So far only the cronjob is configurable, the others mark the item as
returned (does the checkin).
This behaviour should be controlable using a syspref, to let libraries
choose what fit best for them.
Test plan:
Use the 2 options of the pref, mark checked out items as lost using the
different possibilities, and confirm that the behaviours make sense to
Signed-off-by: Séverine QUEUNE <>
Signed-off-by: Séverine QUEUNE <>
Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
The nonpublic note for items is not displayed in the staff client. It
should be displayed in the following areas:
1) Checkouts (
2) Checkins (
3) Record details ( )
Test Plan:
1) Ensure your non-public note field is mapped to the
items.itemnotes_nonpublic database column
2) Edit an item, add a test nonpublic note
3) Check out the item, verify the note is visible in the checkouts table
4) Check in the item, verify the note is visible in the checkins table
5) View the item details, verify the note is visible and editable
if your account has the rights to edit items
Followed test plan, works as expected.
Signed-off-by: Marc Véron <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Chris Nighswonger <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
This patch adds functionality to forgive overdue fine when an item is
set to lost status. Fines are forgiven only when the syspref
WhenLostForgiveFine is set to yes. Item can be set to lost status from:
- catalogue/
- cataloguing/
- tools/
- misc/cronjobs/
Changed subroutine C4::Circulation::LostItem to forgive fines on the
item depending on the value of syspref WhenLostForgiveFine. This
routine is currently used to return an item and charge a replacement
Also added a new syspref in C4::Circulation::LostItem -
WhenLostChargeReplacementFee. The replacement fee will now be charged
only if this syspref is set to yes. The default value of the
WhenLostChargeReplacementFee is yes, meaning that current behavior
will not change during upgrade.
Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
Signed-off-by: Alex Hatley <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Testing notes on last patch in series.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
This patch updates the wthdrawn field in items and deleteditems to be
withdrawn instead. No functional changes are made.
Signed-off-by: Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel <>
Comment: Save for translation files (that will be fixed on next release),
only occurrence of wthdrawn is on
No koha-qa errors.
This touch many files, and I did not test everything,
but all seems normal. I think that any problem could
be fixed later.
Perhaps both entries in could be joined
into one, but thats for QA.
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
This adds a new syspref: AllowPKIAuth. It can have one of three states:
* None
* Common Name
* emailAddress
If a) this is set to something that's not "None", and b) the webserver
is passing SSL client cert details on to Koha, then the relevant field
in the user's certificate will be matched up against the field in the
database and they will be automatically logged in. This is used as a
secure form of single sign-on in some organisations.
The "Common Name" field is matched up against the userid, while
"emailAddress" is matched against the primary email.
This is an example of what might go in the Apache configuration for the
virtual host:
#SSLVerifyClient require # only allow PKI authentication
SSLVerifyClient optional
SSLVerifyDepth 2
SSLCACertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/test/ca.crt
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
The last line ensures that the required details are
passed to Koha.
To test the PKI authentication, use the following curl command:
curl -k --cert client.crt --key client.key https://URL/
(look through the output to find the "Welcome," line to indicate that a user
has been authenticated or the "Log in to Your Account" to indicate that a
user has not been authenticated)
To create the certificates needed for the above command, the following series
of commands will work:
# Create the CA Key and Certificate for signing Client Certs
openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 4096
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key ca.key -out ca.crt
# This is the ca.crt file that the Apache config needs to know about,
# so put the file at /etc/apache2/ssl/test/ca.crt
# Create the Server Key, CSR, and Certificate
openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
# We're self signing our own server cert here. This is a no-no in
# production.
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key \
-set_serial 01 -out server.crt
# Create the Client Key and CSR
openssl genrsa -des3 -out client.key 1024
openssl req -new -key client.key -out client.csr
# Sign the client certificate with our CA cert. Unlike signing our own
# server cert, this is what we want to do.
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key \
-set_serial 02 -out client.crt
openssl pkcs12 -export -in client.crt -inkey client.key -out client.p12
# In theory we can install this client.p12 file in Firefox or Chrome, but
# the exact steps for doing so are unclear, and outside the scope of this
# patch
Signed-off-by: Jared Camins-Esakov <>
Tested with Common Name and E-mail authentication, as well as with PKI
authentication disabled. Regular logins continue to work in all cases when
SSL authentication is set to optional on the server.
Signed-off-by: Ian Walls <>
QA comment: synchronized version of syspref with sysprefs.sql
version, to avoid divergent databases between new and upgrading users.
Pass charge_fee = yes wherever is LostItem() called, which effectively
means tha there's no change.
Signed-off-by: Paul Poulain <>
Call LostItem() whenever item is lost.
LostItem() new arg - mark returned.
Disabled Lost Status on catalogue item edit.
Signed-off-by: Nicole C. Engard <>
For follow up we need to explain how to hide the 952$1 (lost) from
the framework by putting it in the 'ignore' tab.
Signed-off-by: Ian Walls <>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <>
Correcting check for circulation permission. Also updating (for setting lost and damaged statuses) with
circulate permissions.
Signed-off-by: Paul Poulain <>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <>
This patch deprecates the NoReturnSetLost system preference, which, as it
turns out, was not implemented anyway. New longoverdue script allows one to
specify on the commandline system-wide delays for changing items to different
lost statuses, and optionally charge for the item.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
The new tables have the same structure and constraints
as the tables they archive with the following exceptions:
* borrowernumber and biblionumber in old_reserves can be
* the FK constraints (e.g., for itemnumber) on old_reserves
set the child column to NULL if the parent row is deleted
instead of deleting the child row.
* there is no FK constraint on old_issues.branchcode, allowing
a branch to be deleted without changing archived requests.
Some miscellaneous cleanup was done as part of this patch:
* GetMemberIssuesAndFines (C4::Members) now uses bind variables
* fixed POD for GetMemberIssuesAndFines
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
Per new bug 1783, it would be nice if editcatalogue would
work as well, but a change to the public API of C4::Auth
is needed for that to work.
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <>
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
Introduced C4::Items module to separate items API
from biblio API. Details on changes will be
put in later commit messages.
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <>
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
Prior to this fix, the status fields had three 'off' values, NULL, "",
and 0. I've reduced it to two in the db, removing the option for NULL, and
setting the default value to 0, however, we need to verify that we don't ever
write out as "" as this needlessly complicates the indexing process,
critical for searching or limiting by status (e.g., availability). Also,
queries that attempt to write a NULL value to one of these fields will fail
(based on my tests).
This patch includes the following changes:
* Updated the database definition for notforloan, damaged, itemlost, and
wthdrawn in kohastructure.sql to forbid NULL and default to 0; MySQL
can't forbid other values (such as empty ""), so this has to be handled
at the application layer and REQUIRES further patching.
* Fixed the 'limit by availability' query node in to use a
much less confusing definition of 'available'
* Added code to set values to 0 where they are NULL or empty ( "" ) for
notforloan, damaged, itemlost or wthdrawn in both the MARC and the items
* -> AddBiblioAndItems
* catalogue/
* Removed code in that sets notforloan status depending
on item-level or bib-level itemtype -- that flag is designed to be set
only to override the notforloan setting for the item's (or bib's,
depending on the syspref) assigned itemtype (it doesn't need to override
to 'for loan', only to 'not for loan').
added $dbh->do("truncate zebraqueue"); when operation is 'delete'
* I updated some notes in catalogue/ as to why ModItem can't be
used -- we don't have _a_ place where we can change the item and marc :/
I've tested the following: OK
Staged Records Import......................NOT OK (via OK OK OK OK OK
Basically, there isn't a single place to apply this patch that will
update both item data and MARC data in one place ... a future patch
needs to address this issue.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <>
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
Fixed so that when using to change an
item's lost, damaged, or withdrawn status, the
bib's MARC XML is updated and an entry is added
to zebraqueue.
As part of the fix, C4::Biblio::ModItemInMarconefield
now works correctly.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>